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看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [推特] note News - Northern Ireland #北愛爾蘭 2020
時間 2020-01-02 Thu. 15:01:33

2020-1-02 06:21
Tomorrow talks will restart & with political will progress & resolution is possible

I am determined to see a new kind of politics & Assembly which delivers equality & respects all sections of society

Increased investment for health, education & our public services is also vital

#北愛政府 #重啟談判 #重組政府

※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2020-01-02 15:01:33 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-01-03 00:18:07 (台灣)

2020-1-03 19:28
Privileged to be nominated to follow in the footsteps of Danny Lavery, Tierna Cunningham, Mary Ellen Campbell and John Finucane.

I promise dedication & hard work for the people of Castle Ward.

I’m determined to make North Belfast a more peaceful place.


2020-1-03 21:13
⁦@moneillsf⁩ says there will be an Irish Language Act as part of any deal.



> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <

2020-1-05 03:37
Fair play to the Mayor of Clare ⁦@CllrCathalCrowe⁩ for taking this stand 👏🏻 This government have no right whatsoever to use the offices of the State to enforce their attempt to rewrite our history and whitewash the true role of the RIC

 Mayor of Clare to boycott RIC commemoration

#市長 #杯葛 #回憶 #親英統派

2020-1-06 18:23
#BlackandTans This 👉 “In no other State that has emerged from anti-colonial struggle would they celebrate the deeds of the oppressors” > Commemoration of the RIC an insult to those who fought for Irish freedom - Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD https://sinnfein.ie/contents/55660

2020-1-07 00:28
Govt commemoration of RIC, Black&Tans, DMP a calculated insult to all who stood for Irish freedom. Nowhere else would those who brutally suppressed national freedom be afforded a state commemoration. Crass Fine Gael revisionism gone too far. Cancel this event @LeoVaradkar

2020-1-07 02:54
LISTEN: Should the #RIC be commemorated? A number of public representatives have said they won't attend an official event in Dublin later this month. Here @1916walkingtour Lorcan Collins explains the link between the RIC & #BlackandTans 100 years ago

 Should the RIC be commemorated at all? | Newstalk

via 2020-1-07 03:26
Have a listen if you have time as to why I don’t think we should commemorate the RIC

2020-1-08 02:20
Irish Unity
Come out ye Black and Tans!

via 2020-1-08 02:52
Tonights Government Cabinet crinniu.

2020-1-09 03:54
You don't build a United Ireland by denigrating the memory of those who fought for Irish freedom and independence, and lionising those who brutally suppressed that desire and who upheld British rule @LeoVaradkar




#警察 #歷史 #認同錯亂 #英國打壓愛爾蘭歷史 #紀念

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-01-08 05:44:32 (台灣)


2020-1-09 04:10
So proud of my good friend @LizK1988 - our newest MLA! A dedicated community activist & tireless worker. The perfect person for this role. I’m so excited to see what comes next. The future is bright with our Liz 💚 @newryarmaghsf

2020-1-12 03:02
Delighted that @JohnODowdSF will be the new Chief Whip of the Sinn Féin Assembly team.

John is one of the most formidable public representatives that I have had the pleasure to work with.

He will be to the fore in the delivery of a new, just and inclusive assembly.

2020-1-12 00:10
Deirdre Hargey @DeirdreHargey @sinnfeinireland appointed Minister for Communities!

via 2020-1-12 00:24
No better woman!

2020-1-13 05:52
Good exchange of views in Dungiven tonight about restoring the Stormont Executive & Sinn Féin Ministers, plus Elected & non elected Activists pledge to improve people’s lives in the here & now plus advance Irish Unity.

Up and at it


#北愛政府恢復運作 #交換觀點 #交換意見

2020-1-13 17:53
There will be no domestic water charges


2020-1-14 05:26
So I broke some wee bones in my foot. RGs fault actually. I told him not to stand on my toes. But he didnt listen. Great treatment in the Royal. Nurses & other health workers were brilliant. Heres Mick Murphy advising me on the  best way to get RG to walk on his own 2 feet.

#骨折 #跌斷腿

2020-1-13 19:02
I’ve submitted my first motion of this new session calling for the Assembly to declare a Climate Emergency and urgently implement the commitments on climate in ‘New Decade, New Approach’ #ClimateEmergency

#動議 #新的十年,新的做法 #氣候緊急事態 #氣候變遷

2020-1-14 22:33
I am delighted to announce the first decision of the new Executive has been to deliver pay parity for health workers.

We are now committed to delivering safe staffing levels & investing in the health system.

Workers are the backbone of the health system, they must be cherished

#北愛政府重組 #醫護人員 #醫勞 #保健衛生氣筒

2020-1-15 02:40

Finally ARRIVED in Strasbourg 🥵


2020-1-16 07:08
Mary Lou speaking tonight described Sinn Féin as “the vehicle for Irish Freedom ... we are the activists, the generation charged with finishing the journey to full democracy and freedom on our island”

#愛爾蘭的自由 #行動主義

2020-1-16 19:49
Bogside Republicans don’t retire

It’s goodbye Strasbourg - hello......

#不退休 #受Brexit脫歐連累

2020-1-16 23:53
Gerry Adams
Farmers leaving BAC.

#農夫 #農具 #農業車輛 #牽引機 #不是耕耘機

2020-1-17 06:44
.@ConorMurphySF: “I’d be quite happy if the Treasury were to provide us with additional fiscal powers - and we can examine how to use those - but we’re not about punishing the poor or punishing people who can’t afford to pay. We’re not a 'satellite Tory regime'." Sin é. 🙌🙌🙌

#財政部 #懲罰窮人

2020-1-18 04:22

Luk what I got from the darling man himself. Grma chara xo

#路上魔幻的夜晚 Magic Nights on the Road

2020-1-18 01:37
GOOD LUCK TO NEW POWER SHARING GOVT. As I sat in public gallery at Stormont, with Liz Maskey & Mary Lou I had birds-eye view of Assembly. Alex Maskey was elected Ceann Chomhairle. It was fitting that Liz, who was first women interned in 1970s, was there. https://shar.es/a3zAm8


2020-1-18 20:55
Gerry Adams
Nearly there! Cill Chua Abú!

#自拍照 #球衣

Awh well. Rinne sibh bhur ndiceall! Cluiche an mhaith.

2020-1-23 02:50
Martina Anderson MLA
The Left in the European Parliament
Nicola Mullan
Derry SinnFein
Caoimhe McKnight
Tiarnán Heaney
Brian Carty
Catalans for Yes  🎗
EU-Catalonia Dialogue Platform
I pledged to work for you as your MEP right to the end & that is exactly what I am doing

A Brussels busy day

Meeting EU Minister, Rep from Brexit Steering Group - followed literally by Franch 24, 2 x Radio interviews & talking referendum, Irish Unity & Brexit with Catalan MEPs

#離職 #布魯塞爾 #Brexit

2020-1-25 06:13
A brilliant photo Seán!

Seán Crowe
"Hoorah me boys for freedom  'tis the rising of the moon"


2020-1-25 22:21
A great turnout in Drogheda in protest @ criminality & illegial drugs trade & thuggery.

#抗議 #非合法藥物貿易 #毒品交易 #入罪化 #除罪化

2020-1-25 23:35
Also introduced cuts to frontline community and voluntary sector dealing with drug addiction.

 Today the people of Drogheda are marching to express their revulsion at the rise in gangland crime in their community. Fianna Fáil stands with them, and is committed to introducing tough new legislation to beat the gangs.

#刪減預算 #毒癮 #第一線社區

2020-1-27 01:12
God bless ur Da Erin.

 My da threw an egg at Margaret Thatcher when she visited Australia. She was welcomed by protests from the Irish in Australia and it made the news in Ireland. Daddy’s parents were watching the news and said“I wonder if Eugene and Mary are there” next shot was daddy being arrested. https://twitter.com/Irish_Atheist/status/1219684470380539909

#天佑愛爾蘭 #扔雞蛋 #丟雞蛋 #逮捕

2020-1-27 17:34
Martina Anderson MLA
It’s off to Brussels for me

This is the last Monday you will have an elected representative MEP in the EU Parliament: On Fri. at 11pm - your democratic franchise will end

50 years after “one man one vote” your right to vote elected reps is being trashed & Radio/TV ignoring that

#離職 #Brexit脫歐 #決不要低估SNS的力量

2020-1-27 22:39
The new GAA stadium in Louth will be a huge community and sporting benefit to the people, and especially the young people of the wee county. First class facilities within two years. Comhghairdeas to the GAA

#球場 #小巨蛋 #動土

2020-1-29 05:21
Engaging event tonight in Westminster with over 200 people in attendance to discuss & debate Irish Unity.

🎥 👇


#愛爾蘭統一 #辯論 #討論

2020-1-30 05:00
Martina Anderson MLA
When Ireland is United - We will be back

Mark My Words...

Tiocfaidh An Lá Sin

That Day will Come

#愛爾蘭統一 #回來 #Brexit

2020-1-30 21:03
Martina Anderson MLA
My final warning to EU Trade Commissioner FG Phil Hogan about the EU future trade negotiations with the British Government

Don’t trust them
Don’t have blind-faith
Don’t leave the people of the north of Ireland behind!

2020-2-12 05:57
Irish Unity
Michelle O’Neill’s daughter Saoirse gives the best response to the cowards who have placed a threat on her mother.

via 2020-2-12 06:05
Well said Saoirse. Your mammy’s daughter.

2020-2-15 19:49
Send this to a friend - it’s so important to look after our emotional and mental wellbeing.

Take 5 easy steps today...


#心理健康 #政策

2020-2-16 17:18
I gotta say I agree with Bertie on need for prep work to be done on Border Referendum.

 Bertie Ahern says a united Ireland is possible by the end of the decade

#邊界投票 #Brexit

2020-2-26 03:09
Seeking update from health minister during assembly Q’s - we need 2 see extended roll out of the mobile multi-agency crisis intervention service across all our trusts, 7 days a week - this pilot with police/ambulance/mental health practitioners is saving lives! #suicideprevention

#心理健康 #自殺防範 #心理醫師 #心理師

2020-2-29 04:26
sandra duffy
Derry Strabane Cncl
Derry SinnFein
Martina Anderson MLA
Karen Mullan
Elisha McCallion
Steve Bradley
Donegal Sinn Fein CC
Pádraig Mac Lochlainn TD
Interesting meeting this morning with colleagues from across Derry, Donegal & Tyrone as part of North West City Region discussing plans for delivery of services & infrastructure across the region including rail, phase 3 Derry-Coleraine, Western Corridor & Derry-Dublin lines x
#輕軌 #捷運 #街車

2020-3-06 00:32
Gerry Adams
Well done Ben.
[How Ben made it okay to be me.]
#做自己 #報紙拍照


#理髮 #剪頭髮 #頭髮剪短

2020-3-07 02:16

#直播 #圖畫 #彩繪

2020-3-07 02:41
Gerry Adams
This evening a portrait of Máire Drumm by Tony Bell was unveiled in the Mayor’s Parlour in Belfast City Hall. It will hang in the Mayor’s parlour until Cllr. Danny Baker steps down as Belfast Mayor. It will then be presented to the family. Beautiful piece of work by Tony.

2020-3-11 06:28
Shameful for this building to be sold to highest bidder - it should remain in civic use and would make an excellent European-standard art gallery to serve Belfast's citizens & visitors. Who is current owner? British Government? #CustomHouse @belfastcc

#丟臉 #海關屋 #拍賣 #最高出價者 #藝廊 #貝爾法斯特 #英國政府 #市民用途的房子被賣掉了 #古蹟?

2020-3-10 22:37
Calling on students of @DkIT_ie to vote for the 3 lads, Glenn 4 Prez, Chacho 4 VP Engagement & Niall 4 Welfare & Equality on Thursday.

A pleasure to endorse their campaign.

I have worked closely with Glenn & Chacho in the last year and all 3 will make a great team for @DKITSU

via 2020-3-11 18:36
I don’t have a vote on Thursday but if I did it would go to Glenn ,Chacho & Niall 👍🏻

2020-4-02 00:19
Lá breithe shona duit. Xo https://t.co/5fPD36nhF8

2020-4-09 19:46
Many of you  know that I post a weekly column in the Andersonstown News & on blog site at http://leargas.blogspot.com
In addition & from 3pm today I will b posting a regular podcast. It will be available on all major podcast platforms.
Hope you like it.

2020-4-09 22:05
“A Change Gotta Come"

Here’s my first ever podcast

Let me know what you think le do thoil?


2020-4-09 03:21
Gerry Adams
Endless Sunshine On A Cloudy Day -  0nline. From Clusterfox Films. The story of Jayda & Anthony McCann.

2020-4-12 20:40
Gerry Adams
How prophetic?

#食譜 #預言

2020-4-20 01:05
Police cars revolving lightIf I reach 1,916 Followers by the end of this lockdown, I will stand outside the offices of Fine Gael HQ dressed as James Connolly, singing the entire back catalogue of The Wolfe Tones*

Do your thing Twitter.....
*Sponsored by @fionamitchell56 @Revolution_IRL and @garvangrant

via 2020-4-20 06:17
Hi @MaryLouMcDonald @mickconlan11 @paddycosgrave @paddyb_ireland @RealCFrampton @GerryAdamsSF @LNBDublin @EOBroin @wolfetones @moneillsf @gildernewm @M_AndersonSF @mattcarthy @PaulDonnellySF @chrisandrews64 @Donnchadhol any chance of an oul RT here folks? Thanks in advance 😉💪🏻🇮🇪

via 2020-4-20 06:40
Oiche  mhaith xoxozzzz
#達到1916訂閱數 #追隨者數量

2020-4-20 06:39
Its the symbol of An Dream Dearg. The Irish language Act campaign. Dearg le Fearg = Red with  anger ( at unfair treatment of Irish speakers)

#母語 #符號 #意義

2020-4-21 05:12
A great clár on RTÉ1 about Abbeyfeale.

2020-4-21 05:14
Watching it now, brought up many memories from my brothers suicide, but to see these people persevere and go on, it's so beautiful. Hon abbeyfeale ❤️

2020-4-26 06:00
What a terrific Tribute to Leonard Cohen on RTE1!!

2020-5-12 02:28
Friends of Sinn Féin USA
Ciarán Quinn
Mark Guilfoyle
John Finucane MP
Sinn Féin
Brehon Law
Marty Glennon
Great turnout and discussion with @johnfinucane and the @BrehonLawNYC on current politics and securing #IrishUnity.

#新芬在美友人 #美國 #愛爾蘭統一 #連線討論 #線上會議

2020-5-15 00:32
Gerry Kelly
Found these while rummaging about. One’s of me and those shadowy figures that some journalists obsess about, hiding out in 10 Downing St-21 years ago today!! The other is the same crew congratulating my youngest son on his first steps in life.

#唐寧街10十號 #草稿 #筆記 #記者一直想看的

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-05-22 03:15:25 (台灣)

DERRY JOURNAL Editorial : United we can restore hope | Derry Journal

via 2020-5-24 16:00
Derry Journal
DERRY JOURNAL Editorial : Medical School movement shows that united we can restore hope
https://www.derryjournal.com/education/derry-journal-editorial-united-we-can-restore-hope-2861517 …

#醫學院 #設計圖

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-05-25 04:51:56 (台灣)

2020-5-24 19:05
Jim Fitzpatrick
Whoops 😬 NI Secretary @BrandonLewis swiftly corrects ominous typo

via 2020-5-25 05:45
Gerry Adams
Well it made me smile. First time since Mo Mowlan and Peter Mandelson that a British  SOS has done that.https://twitter.com/jimfitznews/status/1264512784152375296 …
Whoops  NI Secretary @BrandonLewis swiftly corrects ominous typo

網軍被打臉 #自以為忘了切帳號 #種族歧視 #戰不過就跳針 #如果是種族歧視的人,還會跟曼德拉友好?

#打錯字被魚拓 #不小心說出真心話 #截圖 #北愛大臣 #終結北愛

via https://twitter.com/CteaX55/status/1265028477134069761

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-05-26 05:02:35, 05:14:41 (台灣)

2020-5-26 15:28
The Big Interview: Sinn Fein, the IRA and me - Mary Lou McDonald - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

Mary Lou McDonald tells our sister publication, the Sunday Independent, that there was “every chance, every possibility” she would have joined the IRA, and reveals Prince Charles wrote to her after she fell ill with coronavirus.

There are two conflicting narratives around how Mary Louise McDonald of Orwell Road, Rathgar, south Dublin, ended up being leader of this island's most controversial political party.

The first, proffered by her critics, is that having come from a Fianna Fail family, she unsurprisingly joined that party in the mid-1990s. As a bright, articulate and well-educated young woman, her stock was high and Bertie Ahern's party was on the brink of three successive general election victories. But, recall some in Fianna Fail, she found her path to elected office blocked by the party's old guard in Dublin West. So she upped and joined Sinn Fein.

The other version, recounted by McDonald, is different, perhaps darker, but far more compelling. She vividly recalls the sadness in her house in the spring of 1981 as the hunger strikes in the Maze Prison unfolded, how tense her mother was, the national grief, the protests. Four days before she turned 12, on May 1, 1981, Bobby Sands died after 66 days on hunger strike. "It was the moment at which I realised there was something radically, radically wrong in the politics and the life of the Ireland in which I was growing up," McDonald reflected last week.

#專訪 #絕食抗爭

Mary Lou McDonald is living proof that the real struggle now is about who gets to tell the story of the Troubles... perpetrators or victims

Not only did most nationalists not join the IRA, but they didn't even give their support to Sinn Fein, writes Eilis O'Hanlon


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-05-26 05:55:24 (台灣)

2020-5-28 06:20
Oiche mhaith xoxozzzzxo

(Good night xoxozzzzxo)

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-05-28 15:53:26 (台灣)

2020-6-04 14:32
Máirtín Ó Muilleoir
Maidin mhaith. On the run. https://www.pscp.tv/w/cac7WTEzOTE5NzN8MWpNSmdRUlBEUmVLTLUhKj6qfWrNvurL2ctW9Miy9IJnsOvbYH8en0cUNqAn …

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-06-06 05:40:26 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/nowt40


Troubles pension: An 'act of political will' is needed to implement scheme

"An act of political will" is needed to overcome delays to the implementation of the Troubles pension, Northern Ireland's victims' commissioner has said.

Judith Thompson said politicians should be "putting victims and survivors" first to implement a scheme that has already been passed by law.

Sinn Féin has rejected a government accusation that it is holding up the pension scheme.

The scheme was due to open on 29 May.

"It needs to involve a level of compromise to set up a system which will work fairly and be independent," Ms Thompson told the BBC's Talkback programme.

Regarding the debate around eligibility, the commissioner said: "It is clear that a small number of people who are responsible for their own injuries are excluded".

She explained: "There is a requirement that anyone who has been sentenced - not served but sentenced - to more than two and half years in prison, go before a judge-led panel which will make a decision on whether it's appropriate for them to get this payment or not."

She accepted that a judge-led panel would have to make decisions based on guidance from the secretary of state which has yet to be finalised.

However she added: "At the end of the day, that is not a good enough reason to decide that nobody will get anything."

Sinn Féin has refused to nominate a Stormont department to run the scheme and said the government is responsible for the delay.

It said the criteria for the scheme is flawed and discriminates against former prisoners.

The party claims that under current eligibility rules, anyone who was given a prison sentence of two and a half years or more would not be entitled to a pension payment.

"It is the British government who have brought in these regulations, without consultation, to be discriminatory, and all they are interested in is to protect one section of victims," said Sinn Féin MLA Gerry Kelly.

But Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis said it was "pretty shameful" of the party to try to re-open the definition of a victim.

Speaking on BBC's Good Morning Ulster programme, Mr Kelly said his party also had concerns about funding arrangements for the scheme, the cost of which has been estimated to reach at least £100m over the first three years.

Sinn Féin has argued that it should be funded centrally from Westminster rather than coming out of Stormont's budget.

The secretary of state has refused to commit to providing extra resources to fund the scheme, pointing out that more than £100m has already been set aside for Troubles legacy matters.

#北愛爾蘭 #轉型正義 #賠償金 #補償金 #津貼 #受害者 #死者家屬 #北愛大臣 #英國本位嘴臉

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-06-08 04:23:31 (台灣)

2020-6-04 21:34
Gerry Adams
My Podcast - You only die http://once.You  live everyday - is published today. It's available on all good podcast sites and the link is below. I first met Martin McGuinness shortly before he & I traveled to London in 1972.
https://www.buzzsprout.com/991288/episodes/4017419-you-only-die-once-you-live-everyday …

via 2020-6-08 16:51
Gerry Adams
In case you missed this.https://twitter.com/gerryadamssf/status/1268536686339854338 …
My Podcast - You only die http://once.You  live everyday - is published today. It's available on all good podcast sites and the link is below. I first met Martin McGuinness shortly before he & I traveled to London in 1972.
https://www.buzzsprout.com/991288/episodes/4017419-you-only-die-once-you-live-everyday …

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-06-09 18:08:27 (台灣)

2020-6-10 19:16
Ógra Shinn Féin
Frank Ryan passed away #OTD, 1941.
Frank was an IRA volunteer who fought against the Free State counter-revolution.
In 1936, Frank formed the Connolly Column, a brigade of Irish republicans and socialists who fought for democracy and the Spanish Republic against Franco's fascists

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-06-11 01:16:09 (台灣)

2020-6-28 18:00
Gerry Adams
Well done Seánadoir Eileen Flynn.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-04 06:04:44, 06:07:28 (台灣)

Taoiseach's contradictory comments about the Good Friday Agreement 'ridiculous' - Pádraig Mac Lochlainn TD | Sinn Féin

via 2020-7-08 16:36 https://twitter.com/sinnfeinireland/status/1280782888833822721
Sinn Féin
"A referendum on Irish unity is expressly provided for in the Good Friday Agreement - despite what the Taoiseach thinks.

"Contradictory remarks about what the agreement says are deeply unhelpful, and quite frankly ridiculous." - @PadraigMacL


#愛爾蘭統一公投 #GFA受難日和平協定 #不管總理怎麼想

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-09 14:26:15 (台灣)

2020-7-12 03:56
Gerry Adams
For Dominic!

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-13 05:12:30 (台灣)

2020-7-17 #結束分裂的國家 #統一 #北愛爾蘭
Partition has to go

There is unanimity of approach among the establishment parties in the Oireachtas when it comes to a referendum on Irish Unity – they are against it. Last week the Taoiseach Micheál Martin ruled out a referendum on a united Ireland because it would be too ‘divisive’. In December the Green Party leader Eamon Ryan dismissed calls for a referendum on the same basis. It would be ‘divisive’. And not to be outdone the then Taoiseach Leo Varadkar claimed that a referendum would be ‘divisive’. Of course, it is partition that is ‘divisive’.

2020-7-21 22:22
Sinn Féin
Mary Lou McDonald pays tribute to Ruth Morrissey and says Irish inspections must take place of CervicalCheck screening being conducted in US labs


2020-7-22 15:00
Sinn Féin
September is just around the corner. The Education Minister needs to start answering questions when it comes to the plan for reopening schools. Where is the long-promised roadmap?  – @Donnchadhol

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-23 10:18:34 (台灣)

2020-7-24 01:13
Friends of Sinn Féin USA
Sinn Féin
Ciarán Quinn
AOH National
Friends of Sinn Féin Canada
Senator Niall Ó Donnghaile  ⭕️
Irish Echo Newspaper
Joe Crowley
Irish Unity
Today @MaryLouMcDonald briefed US Special Envoy Mick Mulvaney on British Govt refusal to implement agreements & the Brexit threat. US Envoys have long played a critical role in the peace process. Mary Lou also raised the issue of a unity referendum, an essential part of the GFA

2020-7-24 #愛爾蘭英雄的雕像 #與帝國對抗 #反殖民主義 #本土歷史
Roger Casement Versus The Empire: Statues for Irish Heroes


Belfast has a long and proud tradition of opposition to slavery and colonialism. On 8 July we celebrated the birth in 1770 of Mary Ann McCracken a fierce opponent of slavery. She and her brother Henry Joe McCracken, one of the leaders of the 1798 Rebellion, campaigned against slave ships docking in Belfast port. In her late 80s Mary Ann was still a frequent visitor to Belfast docks where she handed out anti-slavery leaflets to those travelling to the USA where slavery still existed. Thomas McCabe, a United Irishman, from the Antrim Road, was another stalwart who opposed slavery and efforts to set up a slave trading company in Belfast.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-24 12:51:57 (台灣)

2020-7-28 00:21
Darren O’Keeffe
A couple of years ago, Leo Varadkar spent over €160,000 of public money on a publicity campaign to stigmatise the unemployed for needing welfare supports.

Now, this government is continuing that demonisation of the unemployed with discriminatory punishments for people on PUPs.

via 2020-7-28 05:11
Gerry Adams
So do FF/FG/Green Govt.https://twitter.com/darrenjokeeffe/status/1287785153767538689 …
A couple of years ago, Leo Varadkar spent over €160,000 of public money on a publicity campaign to stigmatise the unemployed for needing welfare supports.

Now, this government is continuing that demonisation of the unemployed with discriminatory punishments for people on PUPs.

#福利詐欺 #我們都被騙了 #社會議題 #民生

2020-7-28 15:53
John O' Dowd
It was Sinéad Ennis @EnnisSinead and Pat Sheehan @PatSheehanMLA who challenged Well’s comments where it mattered, in the Assembly Chamber. No one from the SDLP in the Chamber chose to do so!

2020-7-28 16:23
Gerry Kelly
Just back from a week off to hear Jim Wells insulting everyone in the GAA followed by Gregory Campbell attacking all Irish language speakers and then Nolan invites Wells on to defend the bigotry of both. Failing spectacularly. Beam me up, Scotty.

#母語 #污辱 #汙辱

2020-7-28 20:29
Gerry Adams
This weeks Podcast will recall the last time I met hunger striker Kieran Doherty.
This Saturday 2 August is Kieran's anniversary & the online National Hunger Strike Commemoration.
http://www.youtube.com/c/sinnfeinireland …

2020-7-28 22:42
Michelle Gildernew
Sinn Féin
Joe Dwyer
Mary Lou McDonald
Paul Maskey
Mickey Brady
Órfhlaith Begley
Chris Hazzard
Francie Molloy MP
John Finucane MP
Michelle O’Neill
I’m looking forward to chatting to legend #JimGibney about the Hunger Strikes, the by-election in #FermanaghSthTyrone and the legacy of our MP, #BobbySands tomorrow evening. Please join us?

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-30 04:26:58 (台灣)

2020-7-28 00:21
Darren O’Keeffe
A couple of years ago, Leo Varadkar spent over €160,000 of public money on a publicity campaign to stigmatise the unemployed for needing welfare supports.

Now, this government is continuing that demonisation of the unemployed with discriminatory punishments for people on PUPs.

#將失業者汙名化 #只想要社會福利 #鑽漏洞 #Welfare Cheat #騙取救濟金

via 2020-7-28 05:11
Gerry Adams
So do FF/FG/Green Govt.https://twitter.com/darrenjokeeffe/status/1287785153767538689 …
A couple of years ago, Leo Varadkar spent over €160,000 of public money on a publicity campaign to stigmatise the unemployed for needing welfare supports.

Now, this government is continuing that demonisation of the unemployed with discriminatory punishments for people on PUPs.

2020-7-30 19:33
John Finucane MP
Great to see the new office sign being put up earlier today.

The office will be open from next week & our doors will be open to everyone from right across North Belfast.

Looking forward to meeting you all in the weeks, months & years ahead.

Fáilte roimh gach duine.

2020-7-31 02:41
Andree Murphy
He hasn’t gone away you know

2020-7-31 14:00
Máirtín Ó Muilleoir
Maidin mhaith. On the run. Mo phleananna inniu. 🏃🏻https://www.pscp.tv/w/cfJZTTEzOTE5NzN8MVBsS1FOelFNZ0JHRVgkYSuRBKPkRcFf2JG4IHlZSHe7BMepwulCS9UDZmKj …


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-31 15:02:33, 16:59:49 (台灣)

2020-8-01 02:49
Martina Anderson MLA
Derry SinnFein
sandra duffy
charlie mc menamin
Karen Mullan
Elisha McCallion
Mickey Anderson
andrew mccartney
So Derry being thrown under a bus by Micheál Martin - no “high speed” for Derry Colum Eastwood

It was always Derry/Belfast/Dublin/Cork

Of 54 stations in the north only  “3” are situated west of the Bann

These regional inequalities need addressed by all including the Irish Gov


2020-8-01 03:55 #友情 #友誼 #人生只活一次 #死也只有一次 #抬棺
Gerry Adams
You only die once. You live every day. Martin McGuinness was a huge influence in my life and so was Bobby Storey. I believe that the most important thing in life is friendship.

A great yarn with Joe Austin last night. Sure give it a watch


2020-8-01 04:39
Gerry Adams
What am I missing?

#電視不能看 #RTE1

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-01 13:55:43, 13:59:57, 14:00:11, 14:01:05 (台灣)

2020-8-03 02:55
Gerry Adams
Just picking on shameful attacks on @fintanwarfield. Ná bí imní ort chara. Is amadaín iad. Bí gaire mar is gnath.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-07 14:57:31 (台灣)

2020-8-11 00:13
Gerry Adams
Kevin McKenna died last summer. He was my friend. A quiet unassuming patriot who was devoted to his wife Marcella & their family. Today we publish his story as our latest Léargas. It’s available at An Fhuiseog, 55 Falls Road and at http://www.sinnfeinbookshop.com 

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-12 16:13:01 (台灣)

2020-8-14 00:56
Sinn Féin
Partition has failed our island.

#不論哪派都沒有什麼好慶祝 #隔離 #統一 #內建聯合主義優勢

2020-8-14 12:00
Gerry Kelly

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-14 18:03:09 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-14 19:01:08 (台灣)

2020-8-13 20:33
Sinn Féin


> https://www.plurk.com/p/m7lm57
> https://www.plurk.com/p/nv16ly

2020-8-14 20:49
Sinn Féin
Gerry Adams
Chris Hazzard
Carál Ní Chuilín-Nigh do lámha  ✊
John Finucane MP
Mary Lou McDonald
Martina Anderson MLA
Paul Maskey
Michelle Gildernew
Senator Niall Ó Donnghaile  ⭕️
Francie Molloy MP
“These latest proposals from the British government on a victims' pension are exclusionary, discriminatory and unacceptable.

"We are committed to seeing the delivery of a victims' pension scheme which meets the needs of all victims and excludes no one."  

- @GerryKellyMLA


#英國政府 #受害者補償 #歧視 #轉型正義

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-15 02:52:24 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/m7lm57
> https://www.plurk.com/p/nv16ly
> https://www.plurk.com/p/nowt40

2020-9-17 06:21
John Finucane MP
The British State & their proxies used every means at their disposal to target, kill & cover up murder here, spanning across decades.

Now, they use every means to resist accountability.

Huge credit must go to all families & activists who tirelessly demand truth.



※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-18 02:58:42 (台灣)

2020-9-23 19:58 https://twitter.com/caulmick/status/1308737591198576641
Mick Caul  😷
Time for a #Dail Fact Checker

Your new wage subsidy scheme excludes 153,000 workers - workers who earn €151 per week or less - you have left them in the cold. @MaryLouMcDonald

#LQs #Dail #PUP

via 2020-9-24 04:35 https://twitter.com/MaryLouMcDonald/status/1308867578480275456
Mary Lou McDonald
WhatWhat actually happened in the Dail today. Facts presented on the treatment of low paid workers. Taoiseach didn't like the truth. @rtenews not reporting low pay story but Taoiseach's outburst instead. Strange. 🤔

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-24 16:30:04 (台灣)

2020-11-12 05:41
Gerry Kelly
At the first major test of collective governance since the Assembly was reinstated the DUP have reverted to the One Party State mentality ignoring the cost in lives that will ensue. No matter how much they long for it-this is not 1969.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-13 05:06:22 (台灣)

2020-12-01 03:30 https://www.plurk.com/p/noueah?r=7425772060
Gerry Kelly
The British government colluded in the killing of Pat Finucane and Unionist politicians are now colluding with the British government to hide the full truth from being unearthed.


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-12-06 03:44:03 (台灣)

2020-12-11 06:37

#騎馬 #政治漫畫

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-12-11 15:12:43 (台灣)

2020-12-15 16:15
Gerry Adams
Poems for Hard Times:
A poem for the Antrim hurlers who did us all proud at the weekend. Well done to everyone who played their part.

via https://twitter.com/CteaX55/status/1339293508620832768


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-12-17 03:37:23 (台灣)
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