作者 yuchiwang (棋)
標題 [情報] 魔獸IG 表弟、Cook、魔獸加盟臺灣野馬
時間 Wed Jun 19 07:36:13 2024

Proud to announce we got our first commits @boogiecousins & @qcook323 to play in
 @theasiantournament and they all champions too   I told yall we reuniting th
e 2020 lakers & going global !


This year we going all over Asia but like I said we trying to take this league e
verywhere & I got my guy @mu_reaaal scouting


Actually you guys can help me recruit too !


Comment what other players I should recruit to the league & comment what countri
es we should bring the TAT to next




表弟+魔獸+Cook 這個組合有點強欸XD

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: yuchiwang 2024-06-19 07:36:13
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cSXdlUy (basketballTW)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/basketballTW/M.1718753775.A.7BC.html
joejoe14758: 魔獸是吃了面子果實吧1F 06/19 07:39
※ 編輯: yuchiwang ( 臺灣), 06/19/2024 07:42:48
BigHurt: 台灣湖人2F 06/19 07:48
sd09090: 前十控3F 06/19 07:59
jumilin927: 獸GM!4F 06/19 08:07
supahotfire: 太猛了吧5F 06/19 08:11
cjtv: 星度十足8F 06/19 08:41
CavendishJr: IG直接證實!!!9F 06/19 09:10
sd09090: 想去看10F 06/19 09:17
outsi: 雲豹:這麽好請?11F 06/19 09:19
mono1023: nick 楊12F 06/19 11:05
jackie36952: 超級綜藝化13F 06/19 11:24
cccmn: 類明星賽14F 06/19 12:52
jerryya: 想去15F 06/19 14:55
KURO1214: 超頂16F 06/19 16:35
coolbeguy: 有商品可以買嗎17F 06/19 18:17

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