作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 拳頭社:LCS能先不繳聯盟化入場費
時間 Sat Aug 26 07:53:55 2023

LCS reportedly suspends franchise fees amid revenue decline - Dexerto
Riot Games has suspended franchise payments for all the teams in the LCS as the league faces a battle for survival, according to MonteCristo. ...


Riot Games has offered franchise fee deferrals to all the teams in the LCS as th
e league faces a battle for survival, content creator Christopher ‘MonteCristo
’ Mykles has said. According to a report from the Sports Business Journal, this
 option has been offered to teams from other regions as well.

With the LCS season over following Championship Weekend in Newark, many are left
 wondering what the future of the league looks like. The Summer split posted the
 lowest viewership figures in the league’s history, averaging a shocking 76,889
 viewers, down 33 percent from 2022, according to data firm Esports Charts.

This is especially alarming as brands have become skeptical about investing in e
sports, with many leaving the space in recent times. In 2021, the LCS signed a s
even-year, $96 million partnership with FTX, but in December 2022, it filed a mo
tion to terminate the deal amid the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange.

Speaking on the latest episode of the ‘Power Spike’ show, MonteCristo claimed
that Riot has offered franchise fee deferments to LCS teams “in anticipation of
 revenue share potentially being lower.”

“LCS has now suspended all of their franchise payments,” he said. “The teams
are not actually paying their franchise fees and probably won’t be for a couple
 of years.









Riot releases details on NA LCS franchising with $10M flat-fee buy-in - ESPN
Last year, Riot announced plans to introduce franchising into its esport. Now, it released details as to how franchising will work in the NA LCS. ...


Bloomberg reports that franchises will cost a flat $10 million for existing NA L
CS organizations, with newcomers required to pay an extra $3 million to compensa
te teams not selected to the group of 10 for the 2018 season.

Franchises will have the option to pay this fee over time, with the potential fo
r some of the cost to be waived based on the league hitting financial goals over
 the next few years.


舊隊 1000萬美金
新隊 1300萬美金



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-08-26 07:53:55
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1awJyL-I (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1693007637.A.F92.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 08/26/2023 07:55:25
Wardyal: 下輩子再繳可以嗎1F 08/26 08:02
good5755: 幾時倒閉再通知我2F 08/26 08:04
cornsoup: 要島快島3F 08/26 08:05
wade59420: 今年一定倒4F 08/26 08:10
yu9123: 這入場費可以養地獄豬一百年5F 08/26 08:11
JohnSick: 這入場費,LPL目前連墊底隊都繳得起。6F 08/26 08:22
s458963: LCS LJL PCS VCS LCO都可以收一收了7F 08/26 08:25
amos30627: TSM這種要退出的呢8F 08/26 08:26
s91026: 那繳的是白X,沒本事就取消聯盟9F 08/26 08:34
apulu0507: 北美歐洲LOL是不是大退燒了呀?有時候看到直播人數才8000人左右10F 08/26 08:49
cmcmisgod: 豬豬隊不是也有付類似這錢
只有說對他來說不貴但也不便宜12F 08/26 08:50
s458963: 現在LOL基本上靠中韓在撐15F 08/26 08:57
amos30627: 8000是重播16F 08/26 09:10
GenjiEd: 怕大家退光17F 08/26 09:38
jeffweng2003: 重播都還有8000喔==18F 08/26 11:13
taeyeon09: 怎麼還沒倒19F 08/26 11:17
jack0727: 3大賽區之一就這麼殞落還真慘20F 08/26 13:44
shinchen: 一直不懂入場費收這麼高到底是拿來幹嘛21F 08/26 14:44

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