作者 deathcustom (Full House)
標題 Re: [新聞] BNT英文信寫什麼?翻譯所榜首議員全文解
時間 Fri May 12 09:42:01 2023


Dear Terry,

thank you very much for your mail. It is good to hear from you again
after all that time. Many things have happened since we last talked and
I admire how are you continuously and very successfully build Foxconn
and how you manage all your other activities.


I talked today to Andreas Struengmann and Helmut Jaeckle, the chairman
of BioNTech.


Helmut was very aware about the situation in Taiwan. He explained, that
there has been an agreement negotiated between BioNTech and the Taiwanese
government. The only reason why this agreement has not been implemented,
according to Helmut, was because the Taiwanese government insisted that
in the public announcement about this agreement it is stated, that this
agreement is between BioNTech and the INDEPENDENT Government of Taiwan.


如果郭台銘先生前一封信是問協議的事情,就不會有"He explained"這一段了


As to your question/As to the reason why the agreement between Taiwanese
government and BioNTech has not yet been implemented




Since this was unacceptable to Fosun, the deal was cancelled.


Since BioNTech and Fosun are not allowed to sell to anybody else other
than a government body, there does not seem to be a workable solution.


However, Helmut told me that he will look into this issue again.


Terry, I am sorry for this unsatisfactory reply. Maybe you can use your
political influence to convince the Taiwanese government that with a
different wording there could be a deal.


I will follow up with Helmut and as soon as I get any new information
I'll let you know.


All the best and
Warm regards,


1. 從行文的順序與內容,Franz認為郭台銘不知道先前的協議的存在
2. 從Franz解釋"沒有可行的解方"這一句,可以理解郭台銘的確是在關心如何取得
3. 並且從同樣那句得知,郭台銘(或是幫他收發信的人)如果英文不太差,在收到信

※ 引述《CNS3056 (奶奶)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 風傳媒
: 2.記者署名:
: 潘維庭
: 3.完整新聞標題:
: BNT英文信寫什麼?翻譯所榜首議員全文解讀 揭王必勝沒說的重點
: 4.完整新聞內文:
: 鴻海創辦人郭台銘與BNT股東的一封英文信件引起討論,有媒體以此封獨家電郵稱「郭台
: 銘早知BNT不賣他!仍甩鍋蔡英文擋疫苗」,亦有人注意到政府希望協議公告裡有「『獨
: 立』的台灣政府」,身為多益990滿分、台師大翻譯所榜首的民眾黨新竹市議員宋品瑩10
: 日表示,「希望大家可以把這封信從頭讀到尾,不要被片面的解釋誤導。試想,如果這是
: 一篇多益閱讀測驗,可能會出哪些考題呢?」
: 宋品瑩指,若從電郵前2句來看,可能會出的第1個問題是"What could Terry Guo possib
: ly have asked Franz Haniel in the previous email?" (郭台銘在前一封信中問 Fran
: z Haniel什麼事情?)
: 因為信件中,Franz Haniel簡單慰問之後立即進入正題,寫道 "The only reason why th
: is agreement has not been implemented, according to Helmut, was..."(根據Helmu
: t的說法,該協議之所以未實施,唯一的原因就是...)
: 宋品瑩:這封信是在回答「為什麼採購協議還沒有執行?」
: 宋品瑩指,由上述此句可以推斷,郭台銘問的是 "Why hasn't the agreement been impl
: emented?" (為什麼協議還沒有執行?),而不是「為什麼疫苗不能賣給郭台銘?」宋品
: 瑩認為,王必勝以及鏡周刊畫的重點明顯錯誤,因為這封信並不是在回答「為什麼疫苗不
: 能賣給郭台銘?」,而是「為什麼採購協議還沒有執行?」
: 宋品瑩指,從電郵中也可以看到,唯一的原因,即是"because the Taiwanese governmen
: t insisted that in the public announcement about this agreement it is stated,
: that this agreement is between BioNTech and the INDEPENDENT Government of Taiw
: an. Since that was unacceptable to Fosun, the deal was cancelled.",即台灣政府
: 堅持在有關該協議的公告中,聲明該協議是BioNTech與「獨立」的台灣政府 (INDEPENDE
: NT Government of Taiwan)之間的協議,但由於Fosun(中國上海復星製藥)無法接受,
: 交易即被取消。
: 宋品瑩:「INDEPENDENT Government of Taiwan」導致採購協議破局
: 宋品瑩特別點出,這段話中一個特別突兀的地方,是INDEPENDENT(獨立)使用了全大寫
: ,英文字母全部大寫叫做all caps(全字母大寫),通常是用在縮寫或是商標;若在書信
: 中使用all caps,表示強調或生氣、提高音量,這段話中作者INDEPENDENT使用了全大寫
: ,強調就是這原因,導致採購協議無法執行,同時,時任指揮官陳時中也證實,後來名稱
: 用Republic of China(Taiwan)就買到了。
: 宋品瑩也對比,王必勝跟鏡周刊畫的「重點」,在電郵中僅是作者、收件者都知道的事實
: ,並非回答郭台銘的疑問
: 另外,宋品瑩也提到,電郵中倒數第2句 "Maybe you can use your political influenc
: e to convince the Taiwanese government that with a different wording there cou
: ld be a deal."(也許你可以利用你的政治影響力說服台灣政府,用不同的措辭可能可以
: 達成協議),宋指,如果是閱讀測驗,這句可以出的題目是 "What might Terry Guo do
: after reading this email?" (郭台銘在閱讀此信之後可能會做什麼?)答案會是「說
: 服政府不要用INDEPENDENT Government of Taiwan這個名字採購疫苗」,而不是「想辦法
: 自己買疫苗」。
: 宋品瑩指出,從頭到尾,這封信都沒有顯示郭台銘想要以「私人名義」來購買疫苗,電郵
: 作者也沒有建議郭台銘用私人名義購買疫苗,因此,宋品瑩認為,王必勝擷取信中並非重
: 點的一句話來指控郭台銘抹黑政府,才是真正的抹黑,她也建議王必勝應該去上英文閱讀
: 課。
: 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)不可用YAHOO、LINE、MSN等轉載媒體:
: https://www.storm.mg/article/4789001
: 6.備註:
: https://i.imgur.com/cbsI1Jq.jpg

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: deathcustom 2023-05-12 09:42:01
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aNPbiGD (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1683855724.A.40D.html
rainkate: 報導為啥不加投給黑道議長的民眾黨議員1F 台灣 05/12 09:43
alex2009: 果凍的秘書寫的 果凍說他寫的 就是跟自姦一樣 抄襲2F 台灣 05/12 09:45
ChungLi5566: 復星不能賣給IGOT這種非政府組織4F 台灣 05/12 09:48
Marty: 完全坐實了 蔡英文故意堅持IGOT 導致破局台灣300條無辜的性命 被陳時中+蔡英文屠殺5F 台灣 05/12 09:49
bmiss: 意思是上海復星不認台灣的政府單位?7F 台灣 05/12 09:51
ReDive: IGOT就不是什麼台灣的政府單位8F 台灣 05/12 09:52

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