作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] Arte Moreno:不打算賣球隊
時間 Thu Feb 15 10:49:21 2024

Arte Moreno conducted an interview today with a different local news outlet.

He declined to speak to @TheAthletic for unknown reasons.

I did ask him if he planned to sell the team.

His response: “No.”


今天Arte Moreno接受了當地媒體訪問,但因為不明原因拒絕The Athletic的訪談

The Athletic的記者Sam Blum有問Arte是否打算賣球隊,Arte說No


Arte Moreno spoke to the @SoCalNewsGroup today. Among the topics: whether he's s
elling the team.  

"I am here long term. There are some people that come back and some people knew
I had it on the market (in '22). I basically said it's not on the market."

More to come...





In an interview the SCNG, Arte Moreno said:

‧ The plan is to “set the budget lower.”

‧ As of now, he doesn’t plan on reviving talks for Angel Stadium; doesn’t bel
ieve Anaheim have an appetite for it.

‧ Renovations at Tempe will begin after ST ends.







※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2024-02-15 10:49:21
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bpNkp1V (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1707965363.A.05F.html
Axwell: 一隊不賣 奇蹟自來1F 02/15 10:50
bmwnyy870915: 沒事 反正不重要了2F 02/15 10:54
abc12812: 要等周圍的土地開發計畫搞定後才賣吧 那時價值更高3F 02/15 10:56
mouse851130: 繼續靠鱒魚大哥再戰十年 妥妥的4F 02/15 10:56
zxc906383: 但周圍土地談到政府的人被貪腐調查XD5F 02/15 10:57
WasJohnWall: 不賣沒差啊 拜託躺平個2-3年就好6F 02/15 10:59
CornyDragon: 蹲的越低 腳就越麻7F 02/15 10:59
hansvonboltz: 幾乎變成年經文了8F 02/15 11:02
ZaneTrout: Arte 快滾9F 02/15 11:12
Fukudome: 我要賣啦~我又不賣啦~打我啊天使迷10F 02/15 11:16
kenro: 現在不賣,過些日子還是要賣啊11F 02/15 11:37
CHRush: 大聯盟球隊不賣也不太會虧本吧12F 02/15 11:56
Jaguarsu: 在賣跟不賣之間反覆橫跳13F 02/15 12:02
Yjizz: 一下賣一下不賣XDDD14F 02/15 12:12
kano2525: 要賣就賣不要只嘴巴說15F 02/15 12:36
mayzn: 對天使球迷來講是悲報吧 本來以為賣掉=超大補強16F 02/15 12:46
jin168chen: 在賣與不賣間 徘徊千萬遍~17F 02/15 13:03
kissmy0926: 天使黑暗一輩子18F 02/15 13:16
xo1100: 我要賣啦我又不賣啦19F 02/15 15:11
kw0258: 沒事啦,反正大谷不在了,誰管你要不要賣,繼續爛下去而20F 02/15 17:43
bon01215: 慟22F 02/15 22:42

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