作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] Domingo Germán將住院接受酗酒治療
時間 Thu Aug  3 07:14:48 2023

The Yankees announce that Domingo Germán has agreed to voluntarily submit to in
patient treatment for alcohol abuse

He is being placed on the Restricted List during his time away from the team




Domingo Germán will not pitch for the Yankees again this season, Brian Cashman




Brian Cashman said that alcohol abuse is something Domingo Germán has had to de
al with in the past. There was an incident that took place yesterday. Cashman sa
id he would not provide details. “I’m worried right now for the person and the
 immediate family.”



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2023-08-03 07:14:48
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aokDg1J (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1691018090.A.053.html
indoman: 這咖釋出了吧 有夠爛1F 08/03 07:15
Makimywife: 家暴+酗酒2F 08/03 07:17
O10lOl01O: 沙胖2.0??3F 08/03 07:17
Makimywife: 難怪丟了perfect game推特留言都在酸他4F 08/03 07:17
choobii: 為什麼不說明發生什麼呢5F 08/03 07:17
ck326: 這人到底在幹嘛6F 08/03 07:18
mayzn: David Wells:果然就是要喝才能投完全比賽~7F 08/03 07:18
ericinttu: 今年投得還不錯 怎麼突然就8F 08/03 07:18
Concorde144: 會不會丟出PG結果是生涯最後一季9F 08/03 07:19
hdotistyle: 喝了再上10F 08/03 07:20
Jaguarsu: 他今年只要投一場好,就會爛好幾場11F 08/03 07:20
FOREVER49KG: 家暴+酗酒…12F 08/03 07:36
mschien8295: 發生問題、擔心直系親屬是喝酒喝到打人?13F 08/03 07:50
citpo: 野球乾一杯14F 08/03 07:51
stardream226: 喝出PG15F 08/03 07:56
jcto04: 洋基傳統 喝了再上16F 08/03 08:27
tgmrvmle: 會不會像Philip Humber投出PG後整個壞掉?17F 08/03 08:27
new2488: 外國很重隱私的不是台灣每件事都要招告天下才算交代這麼低能18F 08/03 08:30
davidex: 居然是酒鬼投出完全比賽20F 08/03 09:01
jason930502: 哭啊我的live卡22F 08/03 09:19
Derp: PG前也很爛 就剛好那天運氣好23F 08/03 11:04
xo1100: PG那場是放了酒神大招嗎24F 08/03 11:47

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