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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-06 22:29:20
看板 WoT
作者 tai33ru (磁磚大)
標題 [情報] 11/05 Q&A
時間 Wed Nov  6 09:46:57 2013

Currently there are fewer answers because the developer thread has sort of
new, VERY tough moderation (14 day ban for everything). SerB states that
before, whiners, trolls and spammers were complaining that SerB is trolling
them. SerB stopped trolling – and that worked for like two weeks, before
whiners started whining even more, trolls trolled and spammers spammed, which
pissed especially Storm off. So SerB started trolling again and the whiners,
spammers and trolls started whining again about trolling. So, as a necessery
solution, SerB asked mods to be much more tough on moderation.

貌似SerB跟Storm忍不住了,RU 亂問問題的處罰變重。三寶(怨東怨西的人

- the developers are satisfied with the current concept of premium account
(+50 percent creds and XP)


- premium account won’t be reworked, but there will be some PA features
added (when it’s done it’s done)


- mass selling (selling in bulk in the depot and not by one item) and other
UI features from WoWp might be transferred to WoT too


- Sturer Emil doesn’t have gold ammo on the 128mm gun, because it would be
OP with it

  Sturer Emil沒有128金彈的原因是因為會太OP。

- it’s possible other tanks will be released without gold ammo: “if


- unhistorical gold ammo will be removed from already existing tanks “if


- a player on losing team will (if he gets an achievement such as Top Gun)
recieve the “courageous resistance” bonus (he will get the same amount of
creds and XP as if he won) – this is calculated after the awards are
assigned: if tank A gets 6 kills, earns 700XP and wins a battle and tank B on
the other hand gets 6 kills, earns 500 XP (750 with resistance bonus), tank A
will get the Top Gun (even though tank B got more XP with the CR bonus)

  驗和錢),勳章計算會以加入獎勵前的經驗值計。也就是說A 坦克如果拿
  到六殺700經驗並獲勝,B坦克輸了但是6殺500經驗(額外會有 750經驗獎
  勵),那麼A坦克會拿到Top Gun而非加上獎勵經驗更高的B坦克。

Also, an interesting fact: it’s possible the RU251 as a tier 8 German light
tank will be scrapped (WG didn’t manage to find relevant info), as
replacements are considered (and discussed). There is a possible candidate,
but no info on whether WG will go for it or not yet.



oXnXo:按著開機鍵數秒即可達到關燈的效果05/04 19:29
cypher4444:樓上我差點照做了!!! 這樣很危險阿!!05/04 19:30
yuan860721:還好樓上你沒按 想想不久以前 我就照他的話做了之後阿05/04 19:32
cypher4444:就怎樣@@05/04 19:33
yuan860721:就關機了阿..............05/04 19:34

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
t0042380    :德國T8LT啊...1F 11/06 10:01
wuchianlin  :嗯....偵察虎嗎(被打2F 11/06 11:02
tel1255     :HAHA SERB UCCU3F 11/06 11:35
hitlerx     :給Tiger裝1200HP引擎當成T8 LT如何?www4F 11/06 11:55
sizkacoder  :火車頭偵查車?5F 11/06 12:52
doomhammer  :Strom中狀態攻擊暴怒,SerB troll人中...6F 11/06 14:32
bill50514   :以Troll制Troll?              How terrible!!!7F 11/06 14:38
fransice7   :以Troll報Troll                                 XD8F 11/06 20:55
t0042380    :加倍戳還9F 11/06 21:09

※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 100 
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