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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-14 22:33:33
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 Starwindd (原PO大叔)
標題 [外絮] 林書豪與火箭隊簽下兩千五百萬的合約
時間 Sat Jul 14 05:26:23 2012

Jeremy Lin signs $25.1M offer sheet with Rockets
Jeremy Lin became a big winner in Vegas Friday. He cashed in on his breakout season with the Knicks and signed a three-year, $25.1-million offer sheet with the Rockets, a league source said. ...

Jeremy Lin signs $25.1M offer sheet with Rockets
Published: July 13, 2012 4:57 PM
By AL IANNAZZONE  al.iannazzone@newsday.com

LAS VEGAS -- Jeremy Lin became a big winner in Vegas Friday. He cashed in on
his breakout season with the Knicks and signed a three-year, $25.1-million
offer sheet with the Rockets, a league source said.


The Knicks have three days to match the offer and to this point they have
said they would. But if they blink, it's because terms of the originally
reported agreement changed.


The Rockets heavily backloaded the third year of the deal to make it more
difficult for the Knicks to match the contract.


Lin, who flew here to sign the deal, will get $5 million in the first year,
$5.2 in year two and it balloons to about $14.9 million in the final year of
the contract, the source said. The Rockets and Lin originally agreed on a
four-year deal with the final two years being worth $9.3 million each. The
fourth year was a team option.


Houston's hope is to secure Lin, and if they have a good young point guard in
place it could entice Dwight Howard to stay if the Rockets can acquire him.
But it's risky for Houston because Howard probably would want to play with a
more experienced point guard.


Either way, the price is high for Lin, an undrafted point guard whose 25
career starts came last year. If the Knicks match the offer they will have
more than $75 million committed to Carmelo Anthony, Amar'e Stoudemire, Tyson
Chandler and Lin for the 2014-15 season.


Lin means so much to the Knicks off the court and is still proving his worth
on it. He averaged 18.2 points and 7.7 assists as a starter last season. But
he was unavailable down the stretch and in the playoffs after opting for knee


The Knicks signed veteran floor leader Jason Kidd to help mentor Lin, hoping
he develops into a top point guard.

尼克隊已經簽下老兵Jason Kidd來指導林書豪,希望他能夠成為頂尖的控球後衛。

Earlier this week, coach Mike Woodson said the Knicks "absolutely" would
match Houston's offer for Lin. General manager Glen Grunwald used the word
"likely." Before summer-league practice Friday -- and before Lin signed the
offer sheet -- Woodson was asked whether the Knicks would wait the full three
days to match.

對的總經理Glen Grunwald則在星期五的夏季聯盟練習賽前用了「應該」這個詞。


"Oh, I don't know," Woodson said. "Until we get it in hand and Glen and them
are able to evaluate everything, we'll make a decision then."



之前講好的 "will match any offer on Lin up to $1 billion" 呢?

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◆ From:
essendo:這招狠毒XD 叫尼克怎麼跟咧XD1F 07/14 05:31
essendo:TO 有說沒有了嗎???
sedna:沒有了,三年fully guranteed3F 07/14 05:48
yun0215:太狠毒了XDDDDDDDDDDD4F 07/14 05:58
leroialice:沒關係的,NYK真的不用勉強XDD5F 07/14 06:05
angellll:去火箭吧  還有人沒受夠尼克的嗎XD6F 07/14 06:10
claudia1419:推受夠尼克  但是去火箭版看有人說陣容千瘡百孔XDD7F 07/14 06:12
angellll:至少火箭會有誠意圍繞著林打造一個團隊8F 07/14 06:13
kerno:火箭板加入我的最愛~~!!9F 07/14 06:15
claudia1419:我可以感受到樓上的喜悅11F 07/14 06:16
essendo:在尼克要陪大咖肖想戒指,但在火箭專心上場衝數據也好12F 07/14 06:18
puppetsgame:我想尼克不無可能痛苦地 match 這張 offer sheet14F 07/14 06:19
puppetsgame:(不然隊上 2PG 加起來 72歲,要一起打 48 分鐘?)
claudia1419:所以這齣劇還要再折磨大家三天  也太煎熬了16F 07/14 06:20
puppetsgame:只是變成「JL & LF 『至少』會走一個」的意思17F 07/14 06:20
yun0215:尼克現在也來不及簽肥頓了...除非底薪...不然也沒人能先簽18F 07/14 06:21
angellll:尼克可以讓melo 去打pg阿 melo 不是說這季團隊優先嗎20F 07/14 06:22
puppetsgame:對,尼克現在只剩底薪跟 S&T Dan Gadzuric 的合約21F 07/14 06:22
angellll:melo 打pg 其實打得不錯22F 07/14 06:22
puppetsgame:這兩個選擇,補強手段剩非常非常少。23F 07/14 06:22
essendo:2PG 加起來 72歲XD24F 07/14 06:23
kerno:尼克的pg都沒簽或是換走了? 只剩kidd跟阿根廷?25F 07/14 06:25
alldishuang:恭喜.....^o^^o^^o^26F 07/14 06:25
puppetsgame:Shumpert 算 combo guard,不過有傷停一整年的可能27F 07/14 06:26
puppetsgame:除了 Jason Kidd 跟 Pablo Prigioni 以外,沒有正牌
puppetsgame:的 PG。
kerno:原來bb跟bd都不在了哦..抱歉沒在注意XD30F 07/14 06:27
plzsmile:YA!! 早起就有好消息!! XDDD31F 07/14 06:50
nancyh:火箭真的拼了!!!!!!    恭喜Lin^^32F 07/14 06:55
nancyh:尼克揪~竟會不會闊氣的跟勒?! 伍森和GG之前的豪爽話會不會
nancyh:又被打臉勒?! XDD
wimar:這張合約有夠毒,不論跟不跟尼克都是重傷35F 07/14 07:06
puppetsgame:明年究竟是 ELTA 尼克台,還是 ELTA 火箭台呢? (茶)36F 07/14 07:07
yun0215:無所謂....只要把王X文換掉就好XDDDDDDDD37F 07/14 07:09
sabrina2597:簽約人生終於可以倒數計時了 XD38F 07/14 07:12
ab32110:超爽的,起來就有好消息!39F 07/14 07:15
wimar:尼克高層現在比較喜歡老人,林應該會被放走40F 07/14 07:16
asdfzx:火箭終於加碼,給尼克一記重擊了 帥呀火箭!41F 07/14 07:17
nancyh:才不管尼克會不會重傷=.=  反正 若Lin待在尼裡 第二年就會42F 07/14 07:23
nancyh:上演打包人生了  不用等到第三年=.=
nancyh:                                                 ^可能
BSH99:火箭明年好像也想搶CP3?45F 07/14 07:26
counterpunch:所以不管Lin留尼克或是去火箭,明年都要陪玩CP3的交46F 07/14 07:28
counterpunch:易人生?  Lin命運還真多舛 = =
BSH99:火箭現在把一堆人丟去換dh12 然後明年想要搶cp3來表示讓dh1248F 07/14 07:32
counterpunch:火箭有把握搶到CP3? 他可搶手的很  而且他好像說過50F 07/14 07:35
puppetsgame:除了 Tim Duncan 跟 LCD,印象中沒什麼大牌球員會真的52F 07/14 07:37
puppetsgame:跟錢過不去;CP3 留快艇的最大好處是:五年約,別隊
puppetsgame:只能開四年,兩者差距大概 22M+,火箭想追 CP3 有點
puppetsgame:out of reach;畢竟 Deron Williams 都留了。
uwmtsa:尼克感覺沒啥誠意,就乾脆放手吧56F 07/14 07:39
ab32110:有聽說火箭想搶CP3 但cp3也不是那麼好搶,他一心嚮往紐約57F 07/14 07:39
BSH99:不論搶不搶得到 有想搶就有風險 你看看這次火箭搶DH12多瘋=59F 07/14 07:54
BSH99:DH12一開始到現在還是沒說要去火箭 火箭還是一樣發瘋= =
ab32110:是這樣沒錯,不過反正現在也不能改變啥勒,林加油吧61F 07/14 08:02
kerotamama:超展開呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!62F 07/14 08:09
nancyh:一隊瘋  一隊浮躁  待在兩隊都各有優缺點,Lin就繼續加油、63F 07/14 08:11
nancyh:有好的實力  將來的選擇可以更多!!!
asdfzx:火箭企圖心已經看得出來了,連Scola都不當籌碼就丟,之前也66F 07/14 08:21
BSH99:痾...那是哪BIG3@@?68F 07/14 08:23
asdfzx:簽lin+魔獸,明年薪資又清出再大補一番,火箭的算盤69F 07/14 08:24
wuling1001:這怎麼好意思呢~~~~~那就不客氣了!!!!!!!!XDDDDDDDDD72F 07/14 09:39
stja:XD73F 07/14 09:54
tseng1304:果然和我猜的一樣,火箭加碼啦,哈哈!74F 07/14 10:00
goldsingle:爽75F 07/14 10:05
xtt:火箭不是大多都偏愛高大中鋒為主體的球隊嗎?76F 07/14 11:11
shinobilin:草莓獸一心想搭配頂尖後衛 應該不可能去火箭77F 07/14 11:20
BSH99:dh12現在可容不得他選喔 魔術想交易他 他還是得乖乖的去78F 07/14 11:25
barbossa:所以火箭之前那張的傳聞是放出來騙騙人的 真好玩80F 07/14 14:29
spittz:不過老實說我不覺得魔獸會想去火箭啦....81F 07/14 14:50
Tsukushi:好故意 XDDDD82F 07/14 16:15

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