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※ 本文為 dinos 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-08-03 18:00:14
看板 Gossiping
作者 prince (莫忘初)
標題 Re: [新聞] 外商援助首發 法國家樂福捐15萬歐元
時間 Sun Aug  3 09:52:08 2014

※ 引述《inp0307 (Heisenberg)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: appledaily
: 2.完整新聞標題/內文:
: 外商援助首發 法國家樂福捐15萬歐元
: 家樂福表示,已動員法國總部家樂福基金會,於24小時內緊急撥款15萬歐元(約台幣600萬
: 元),將透過中華民國紅十字總會協助高雄市政府進行重建。是台灣第1家外商企業集團從
: 國外資助的金援。
: 3.新聞連結:
: http://goo.gl/2Vgyh8
外商援助首發法國家樂福捐15萬歐元 | 即時新聞 | 20140802 | 蘋果日報
家樂福表示,已動員法國總部家樂福基金會,於24小時內緊急撥款15萬歐元(約台幣600萬元),將透過中華民國紅十字總會協助高雄市政府進行重建。是台灣第1家外商企業集團從國外資助的金援。家樂福表示,在第一 ...

: 4.備註:
: 法國人不會以為全世界的赤十字都是一樣的吧?這個不是你們想的那個赤十字阿......

看到涉世未深的法國總部家樂福基金會竟然把捐助高雄氣爆的 15 萬歐元善款
所以我寫了一封 e-mail 寄給法國總部家樂福基金會。

之前捐給日本 311 的善款爆出醜聞,


> ---------------- 以下為 e-mail 全文 ---------------- <

To whom it may concern,

   First I would thank you heartily for your donation of 150,000 euros

to help with post-disaster efforts after the massive gas explosions

in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. However, I am sorry to tell you that you gave

the donation to the wrong organization. As most Taiwanese know, the

Red Cross Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan), RCSROC for short,

is not a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross

but a notorious organization.

1. Although there is a domestic law regulating the RCSROC, it was

   tailor-made 60 years ago for the advantage of KMT (Kuomintang).

   Thus the whole RCSROC is controlled by KMT and KMTers are sent to

   hold almost all high-level posts.

2. According to the news report, RCSROC charges miscellaneous kinds

   of processing fees and gives its employees a large proportion of the

   donation as reward/commission to encourage them to solicit for

   donations. Furthermore, its high-level managers get paid as fat cats.

3. The last but not the least: Its account is neither in order nor

   clear. Besides, its ability of execution is doubtful. The donation

   was intentionally delayed to give to the donees, or given to the

   target different from pre-designated without consent of the donators;

   nevertheless, the explanations were evasive.

   If possible, I hope you could reclaim your donation from the RCSROC

and give it directly to the Kaohsiung City Government. This is the

surest way to make the best use of your benevolence.

Best Regards.
                                                           AUG 3, 2014

不自殺聲明: http://ppt.cc/rmy4

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1407030733.A.3A8.html
tigertiger:你想太多了 人家是好朋友1F 08/03 09:52
Kentai6:GJ2F 08/03 09:53
elvissheng:好好笑3F 08/03 09:55
lilyriza:統一的股份不是佔比較多嗎?4F 08/03 09:55
guteres:結尾請用自己的名字,  用暱稱英文人家會把它當惡作劇5F 08/03 09:56
JizzBurger:附上名字就要被查水表囉~6F 08/03 09:58
elvissheng:樓上 說不定人家是美國公民 護照上名字就是Prince7F 08/03 09:58
chaoms:給法國人看用英文…這…是不是國情改了?9F 08/03 10:03
prince: fondation-carrefour 官網打開就是英文。11F 08/03 10:07
prince: 網址裡的 fondation 就是英文的 foundation
Bokolo:小心查水表13F 08/03 10:12
※ 編輯: prince (, 08/03/2014 10:19:08

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