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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-03-09 12:37:56
看板 car
作者 Scape (缺鈣缺很大)
標題 [情報] Tesla Semi卡車開始實地測試兼送貨
時間 Thu Mar  8 04:51:28 2018

Elon Musk on Instagram: “First production cargo trip of the Tesla Semi heavy duty truck, carrying battery packs from the Gigafactory in the Nevada mountains to the…”
829k Likes, 8,028 Comments - Elon Musk (@elonmusk) on Instagram: “First production cargo trip of the Tesla Semi heavy duty truck, carrying battery pac ...



Tesla 卡車部門高管以前就說過 Semi 卡車會把自家公司當成第一個客戶


路線是從內華達山脈的 Gigafactory 工廠運送到加州的汽車工廠


兩者之間的距離大約是 250 miles

而 Tesla 宣稱 Semi 的續航里程可以超過 500 miles


除了能測試 Semi 卡車之外,還能幫 Tesla 節省不少物流成本



另外戴姆勒卡車負責人前陣子暗示 Tesla 宣稱 Semi 有那樣的續航力是違反物理定律的
(來源:https://goo.gl/keAYqo )
Tesla Semi defies laws of physics and is passing us by if true, says Daimler’s head of trucks | Electrek
Daimler has several electric truck programs in the works and today it revealed the latest progress on the eActros heavy-duty electric trucks. During t ...



“If Tesla really delivers on this promise, we’ll obviously buy two trucks
— one to take apart and one to test because if that happens, something has
passed us by. But for now, the same laws of physics apply in Germany and in

所以戴姆勒要不要去向 Tesla 下兩台 Semi 的訂單應該很快就會知道了

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DYE: 這樣集團用的物流貨車是幾千台的等級 真要用也要200台開始1F 03/08 08:27
ariete: MB RD:租來拆就好啦XDD2F 03/08 09:36
miayao417: 到達目的地,但所有貨櫃裡面的電池組電力全用光3F 03/08 09:51
justin103: 樓上兩樓xdd4F 03/08 09:55
domago: 讓子彈飛一會兒5F 03/08 13:34
a001ou: 什麼叫做「把自家公司當成第一個客戶」? 有沒有把自我封測6F 03/08 14:59
a001ou: 講成好像產品已經完成可賣了的八卦? 哎呀 這裡不是八卦板
JEON: 賣給自己公司 這樣帳面上有收入 有賣掉 比封測純研發支出...8F 03/08 19:15
a9564208: 左手換到右手還能列費用抵稅9F 03/08 22:26
SakuraHana: 清庫存吧?10F 03/08 22:32

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