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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-01-17 22:20:23
看板 Gossiping
作者 i329 (殺刀豬)
標題 [新聞] 歐盟將進行「電子人」法律地位投票
時間 Tue Jan 17 19:41:52 2017

EU to vote on declaring robots to be ‘electronic persons‘
Resolution to grant robots legal status in order to hold them ‘responsible
for acts or omissions’ passed by European Parliament legal affairs committee
May Bulman @maybulman Sunday 15 January 2017

MEPs have voted to propose granting legal status to robots, categorising them
as “electronic persons” and warning that new legislation is needed to focus
on how the machines can be held responsible for their “acts or omissions”.

The draft report, tabled by Mady Delvaux-Stehres, a socialist MEP from
Luxembourg, states current rules are “insufficient” for what it calls the “
technological revolution”, and suggests the EU should establish “basic
ethical principles […] to avoid potential pitfalls".
草案報告由一個來自盧森堡的社會主義歐洲議會會員Mady Delvaux-Stehres提出,

Ms Delvaux-Stehres’s resolution was easily passed by the European Parliament
’s legal affairs committee, and a vote by the full parliament on the
resolution is likely to take place in February.

The report suggests that robots and other manifestations of artificial
intelligence such as bots and androids are poised to “unleash a new
industrial revolution, which is likely to leave no stratum of society

“The more autonomous robots are, the less they can be considered simple
tools in the hands of other actors (such as the manufacturer, the owner, the
user, etc.)," they said.

“This, in turn, makes the ordinary rules on liability insufficient and calls
for new rules which focus on how a machine can be held – partly or entirely
– responsible for its acts or omissions.

“As a consequence, it becomes more and more urgent to address the
fundamental question of whether robots should possess a legal status.”

Following the committee vote on her measure, Ms Delvaux-Stehres reiterated
the need for a legal framework for robots, saying: “A growing number of
areas of our daily lives are increasingly affected by robotics.

“In order to ensure that robots are and will remain in the service of
humans, we urgently need to create a robust European legal framework.”

Sales of robots rose by 29 per cent in 2014, the highest year-on-year
increase ever, compared to an average of 17 per year between 2010 and 2014,
according to the report, while annual patent filings for robotics technology
have tripled over the past decade.

In June last year Google introduced a life-like ‘robot dog’ that can clean
houses, while in May it was announced German researchers were in the process
of creating an artificial nervous system that could be used to make robots
experience pain.

Academics last year found that driverless vehicles could reduce the numbers
of accidents by up to 90 per cent.

But they highlighted a difficult moral dilemma.

In some situations, the robot driver might have to deliberately crash,
killing all its occupants, to avoid killing more people outside the car.
※譯註http://i.imgur.com/pvabRsx.jpg ???

People were in favour of this system, but only for other people. When asked
what car they would buy, they told researchers they would choose one that
protected the occupants in all circumstances.

EU to vote on declaring robots to be ‘electronic persons‘ | The Independent MEPs have voted to propose granting legal status to robots, categorising them as “electronic persons” and warning that new legislation is needed to fo ...


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※ 編輯: i329 (, 01/17/2017 19:44:01
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