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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-07-26 20:36:19
看板 Gossiping
作者 john22088 (Mr.Yi)
標題 [問卦] 哪一句英文最難忘?
時間 Sun Jul 26 17:09:06 2015



當然 菜英文是大家的回憶



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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LjAErEh (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1437901749.A.3AB.html
KENT5566: fuck
                                 07/26 17:09
BILLYTHEKID: this is a pen2F 07/26 17:09
yhchen2: hello world3F 07/26 17:09
cookie43: 633
                              07/26 17:09
gm2867: My penis long5F 07/26 17:09
Liquid: This is a book .6F 07/26 17:09
ppptttqaz: hello world7F 07/26 17:09
pegasusatlan: this is a book8F 07/26 17:09
skyqiu: Apple9F 07/26 17:10
Arad: POI10F 07/26 17:10
ogoSogo: morning nine nine howhow one11F 07/26 17:10
yes5528876: may syo gan mo?12F 07/26 17:10
aaqq: how do you turn this on13F 07/26 17:10
q85101599: The pen is big14F 07/26 17:10
Eatsleep56: i will fuck you.15F 07/26 17:10
ken90905: That is a book16F 07/26 17:10
cjo4fu31219: b8q17F 07/26 17:10
waylon12752: mei show gun more18F 07/26 17:10
lovemini: Long time no see19F 07/26 17:10
KevinLow: don't fa fei wen20F 07/26 17:10
cantus: Hasta la vista, Baby21F 07/26 17:10
wewe123: Last night Woooooo~~22F 07/26 17:10
IKURAQ: all money back me home23F 07/26 17:10
u6vmp1756: Made it from the bottom24F 07/26 17:10
fp737: 估謀寧 , 密斯李~~25F 07/26 17:10
IbakaBlock: Hu's Girl26F 07/26 17:11
LICENSE: Show me the money27F 07/26 17:11
tyrande: hasta la vista baby28F 07/26 17:11
djcc: 雷森萬29F 07/26 17:11
dakkk: Pollo or Pavone30F 07/26 17:11
xxx5566xxx: bitch31F 07/26 17:11
tooeasy: may show gun more32F 07/26 17:11
meowchen: make sure gun more33F 07/26 17:11
ekoj: 陳彥伯:umbilicus34F 07/26 17:11
ayenliou: I'm fine, and you?35F 07/26 17:11
Bossrush: ㄟ  噁 豆葛36F 07/26 17:12
Cadia: POI37F 07/26 17:12
WeGoYuSheng: How do you turn this on?38F 07/26 17:12
kawazima8869: once you go black39F 07/26 17:12
tupacshkur: King Kong ain't got shit on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!40F 07/26 17:12
qwaszx1793: 怎麼沒有 Over My Dead Body 呢??????????41F 07/26 17:13
tarjan33167: they they they42F 07/26 17:13
IKURAQ: Do you want to built a snowman?43F 07/26 17:13
ericayou: fuck you dolphin!44F 07/26 17:13
yu53772: My pen is long.45F 07/26 17:13
BIGNOSER: show me the money46F 07/26 17:13
xtwkurenai: I'm fine thank you, and you?47F 07/26 17:13
bruce511239: how are you48F 07/26 17:14
gginindr: suck my dick49F 07/26 17:14
bigmao: over my dead body50F 07/26 17:14
nomoty: over my dead body51F 07/26 17:14
KamijoToma: Pollo~~~~52F 07/26 17:14
happy27727: How are you Mary? I'm fine,thank you. And you?53F 07/26 17:14
TMDWTF: 樓上好笑 哈哈哈54F 07/26 17:15
siriusu:55F 07/26 17:15
clarencelin: Kobe is the kobest kober 還有 trade me56F 07/26 17:15
KamijoToma: who is your daddy57F 07/26 17:15
c7683fh6: May show gun more? (我可以多亮出我的槍一點嗎)58F 07/26 17:16
KamijoToma: show me the money59F 07/26 17:16
coolwind4410: what the fucc60F 07/26 17:16
greedypeople: how would u lke to suck my ball    by啊ㄆㄧㄚˇ61F 07/26 17:17
randolph80: Whosyourdaddy62F 07/26 17:18
shrines: This is a book63F 07/26 17:18
donotggyy: say my name64F 07/26 17:18
xtwkurenai: suck my dick65F 07/26 17:19
zzz71084482: i really like that quote66F 07/26 17:19
dinex: It's their fault67F 07/26 17:19
hinako1053: G G In In Der68F 07/26 17:19
bjj: This is a book.69F 07/26 17:19
yclt: How do you do ~ do you do ~ (廣告歌70F 07/26 17:20
valenci: You're a loser.71F 07/26 17:21
gn00573224: Are  you free tonight72F 07/26 17:22
gamesame7711: 為什麼沒有show me the money73F 07/26 17:24
snth0705: My Angel74F 07/26 17:24
WonderH2O: italy75F 07/26 17:25
pal1231: what the fuck76F 07/26 17:28
tony20095: How are you? I'm fine,thank you. And you? Me too.77F 07/26 17:29
※ 編輯: john22088 (, 07/26/2015 17:35:18
fm035j6: When it started, in the crowd, I saw you78F 07/26 17:36
fm035j6: when it ended, I saw you, in the crowd
r90009: may sure gun more80F 07/26 17:36
mizuki7: Dicksucker81F 07/26 17:38
wl1451226: say my name82F 07/26 17:39
Armuro: Sent from my Android83F 07/26 17:40
trendywang: The three little pigs84F 07/26 17:42
mio617927: I will be back.85F 07/26 17:43
kusoman: You know nothing.86F 07/26 17:51
DaTea: A for apple87F 07/26 17:52
EX37: suck my balls88F 07/26 17:59
wolfox0022: 祈使句~Fuck you89F 07/26 18:08
jeff40108: I painted my PC black to make it run faster and now90F 07/26 18:14
jeff40108:  it won't work
tetsukaii: Hve u heard of the older scroll?92F 07/26 18:17
ubike5566: i want fuck you93F 07/26 18:20
kony25: lmfao94F 07/26 18:22
riotssky: Blue who say----焉得虎子
and who's?           07/26 18:31
sendicmimic: We will~ We will~ Fxck you!96F 07/26 18:39
john22088: an apple away keep a doctor a day97F 07/26 18:39
asolitary: 哩妹休幹哞

Lee may shot ....                            07/26 18:45
yoxem: Goodbye.99F 07/26 18:49
aaswine: 怎麽沒有people mountain people sea100F 07/26 18:49
ywchang84: The cake is a lie.

這哪句。。                                  07/26 18:51
※ 編輯: john22088 (, 07/26/2015 18:53:55
ywchang84: That's what she said!102F 07/26 18:53
ddreamer: abandon103F 07/26 18:53
r0ck123: how do you turn this on104F 07/26 18:56
SoDoge: 幹竟然沒有pretty tight
                                 07/26 19:20
stella323: 英文單字本第一句。
apple bird cat?                                07/26 19:23
wanyi40: Hello motor
much 叭叭                                 07/26 19:28
※ 編輯: john22088 (, 07/26/2015 19:34:10
suika0918: CCR108F 07/26 19:37
alasutolu: Hang Low109F 07/26 20:02
peheart: An apple a day keeps the doctor away阿110F 07/26 20:16
SeTeVen: Fuck you asshole111F 07/26 20:28


※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1816 
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