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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-14 18:54:52
看板 Gossiping
作者 skoda3357 (22世紀老年)
標題 [新聞] 為預防罹患乳癌女星安潔莉娜裘莉 已切除雙邊乳房
時間 Tue May 14 13:17:35 2013


Sydney Morning Herald


Angelina Jolie undergoes double mastectomy to reduce breast cancer risk

Angelina Jolie has revealed that she recently underwent a preventative double
The actress, whose mother, Marcheline Bertrand, died of ovarian cancer in
2007, was tested to see whether she carried the 'faulty' gene that increases
a woman's risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.
"My doctors estimated that I had an 87 per cent risk of breast cancer and a
50 per cent risk of ovarian cancer, although the risk is different in the
case of each woman," she said in a op-ed piece published in The New York
In response to this increased risk, she made the decision to have both
breasts removed, with treatment beginning in February.
The procedures, which took nearly three months and finished on April 27,
remained secret until Jolie chose to go public by penning a first-person
piece on her decision for the Times.
"I am writing about it now because I hope that other women can benefit from
my experience," Ms Jolie, who is 37, wrote.
"Cancer is still a word that strikes fear into people’s hearts, producing a
deep sense of powerlessness. But today it is possible to find out through a
blood test whether you are highly susceptible to breast and ovarian cancer,
and then take action."
Ms Jolie has since had a breast reconstruction and said despite it being a
difficult process she was pleased she had gone through with it.
"The decision to have a mastectomy was not easy. But it is one I am very
happy that I made. My chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from
87 percent to under 5 percent. I can tell my children that they don’t need
to fear they will lose me to breast cancer."






Angelina Jolie breast cancer fears led to double mastectomy
Angelina Jolie has revealed that she recently underwent a preventative double mastectomy. ...



再補上BBC連結 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22520720
BBC News - Angelina Jolie has double mastectomy
Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie undergoes a preventative double mastectomy after doctors told her she had an 87% risk of getting breast cancer. ...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
radiodept:我都還沒吸到 可惡1F 05/14 13:18
frostmourne:Q_Q2F 05/14 13:18
signm:真假3F 05/14 13:18
a0170801708:不~~~4F 05/14 13:18
dl123:很難想像...5F 05/14 13:18
msn12345679:還好已經看過她的奶了6F 05/14 13:18
※ 編輯: skoda3357       來自:       (05/14 13:19)
ckgegg:......................真假          沒關係 還有史嘉利的7F 05/14 13:18
chungyiju:真的假的 太慘了8F 05/14 13:18
seeback:天啊~女神~9F 05/14 13:18
NicoRobin26:...10F 05/14 13:18
potter1529:他竟然切掉了世界遺產...11F 05/14 13:18
ck30929:好險我吸過了12F 05/14 13:18
darkcola:幹真的假DER13F 05/14 13:18
STi2011:恩....14F 05/14 13:18
cherman:那麼有錢,再裝個更大的假奶就好了…15F 05/14 13:18
alvar:.......16F 05/14 13:19
RedCarRet:自己切除乳房17F 05/14 13:19
floyyed:菲律賓還我奶18F 05/14 13:19
smalltwo:可惡熊麻吉還沒看到就切了.19F 05/14 13:19
ddddddddddd:這篇會爆20F 05/14 13:19
linceass:人類世界的一大損失21F 05/14 13:19
melissalewis:wwwwwwwwwww22F 05/14 13:19
bigtai:...........23F 05/14 13:19
dl123:兩邊都切...24F 05/14 13:19
kk8821:真的假der25F 05/14 13:19
sheepxo:健康最重要 祝早日康復26F 05/14 13:19
cdcardabc:ORZ27F 05/14 13:19
a200ea200e:............28F 05/14 13:19
sakura000:大家記得叫自己的媽媽去檢查乳癌29F 05/14 13:19
brightyellow:怎麼演新戲啊QQQQQQQQQQQQ30F 05/14 13:20
LostInTime:深表遺憾31F 05/14 13:20
qscxz:布來德彼特吸太多會不會有事?32F 05/14 13:20
melissalewis:有露點連結嗎33F 05/14 13:20
mikehu:這樣看起來 他還沒得乳癌啦34F 05/14 13:20
bm061596:招牌不見了............35F 05/14 13:20
ayumina11:怎麼可能 假新聞吧!!!我不相信36F 05/14 13:20
terry1043:那古墓奇兵誰要演啊37F 05/14 13:20
realgenius:可是文章是說 to reduce breast cancer risk38F 05/14 13:20
seeback:希望有保險39F 05/14 13:20
bbbruce:想吸40F 05/14 13:20
black215:.....真假41F 05/14 13:20
sox9:蘿拉換人了qq"42F 05/14 13:20
realgenius:應該只是有前兆 而非確診吧?43F 05/14 13:20
cephalitis:.........Q______Q44F 05/14 13:20
egain:我只記得她的香腸嘴 乳房沒印象45F 05/14 13:20
Skeleton7:古墓奇兵以後要換人演了  Q.Q46F 05/14 13:21
dl123:還有預防性雙乳切除是怎樣?!沒別的方式了嗎?雖說遺傳可能..47F 05/14 13:21
pppwalker:可惜了48F 05/14 13:21
LoCKeR941010:求翻譯姬49F 05/14 13:21
ShadowMask:世紀末日...50F 05/14 13:21
sagarain:有腫瘤確認才會切吧 有人沒事會去切嗎51F 05/14 13:21
yanli2:哭了Q_Q52F 05/14 13:21
iamyamashi:裘莉露點去dailymotion看就一堆  要先登入關年齡限制53F 05/14 13:21
realgenius:文章是說醫生說她有87%會罹癌, 所以先切掉54F 05/14 13:21
dixieland999:他小孩是他自己生的嗎? 還是領養的?55F 05/14 13:22
sagarain:一般切除是因為初期只在乳房 擴散你想切還切不了56F 05/14 13:22
namcoz:是被小布吸太多了嗎?57F 05/14 13:22
qn:....真假 希望他衣切安好58F 05/14 13:22
s955346:   地球只有一個59F 05/14 13:22
lanniba:不早點叫我幫忙檢查 真是的60F 05/14 13:22
zxcxxx:小布會不會跟她分手?61F 05/14 13:22
Yolosnow:QQ62F 05/14 13:22
Swashbuckler:ㄅㄨㄨㄨㄨㄨㄨㄨㄨㄨㄨˋ~~~~~~~~~~~!63F 05/14 13:22
ILOVEWAVE:不用登入阿64F 05/14 13:23
neofire:反正她奶也是假的,切了只是回到原點而已65F 05/14 13:23
s9415154:天阿....66F 05/14 13:23
MortalCGU:因為她有家族史也有帶不好的基因 所以預防性的切掉雙側67F 05/14 13:23
realgenius:標題看會以為她已經罹癌....68F 05/14 13:23
anandydy529:羅拉第三集無望...70F 05/14 13:23
james41015:................71F 05/14 13:24
aramaram:!!!!!72F 05/14 13:24
guapisimo:那是 risk 不是罹癌73F 05/14 13:24
PPmYeah:............74F 05/14 13:24
james1539:真假......................75F 05/14 13:24
rezero:這文章的標題在誤導...76F 05/14 13:24


scores:天啊~~~巨乳沒了... 默哀77F 05/14 13:24
henry70028:古墓奇兵以後都變貧乳了78F 05/14 13:24
MortalCGU:不過以她的財力 胸部整形應該可以做的很漂亮 不要怕79F 05/14 13:24
eco100:珍妮佛安妮斯頓 應該在暗爽80F 05/14 13:25
KYOROD:再裝個假乃就好了81F 05/14 13:25
loverxa:反正是嘴唇比較紅 不是靠奶紅的 沒差82F 05/14 13:25
LoCKeR941010:的確是寫risk.. 看來原PO很有台灣記者的天分83F 05/14 13:25
vance6313:祝早日康復84F 05/14 13:25
※ 編輯: skoda3357       來自:       (05/14 13:26)
abcdeffg:人類精神文明遭受重大損失85F 05/14 13:26
yuting0103:壞掉了86F 05/14 13:26
enel1111:女神奶沒了Q Q87F 05/14 13:26
mark4664:莓奶蘿拉88F 05/14 13:26
gunfighter:太可惜了 不過整型手術還是回得來 只是頭比較難89F 05/14 13:27
glacialfire:沒奶要怎麼演羅拉90F 05/14 13:27
sdiaa:壯士斷腕!91F 05/14 13:27
ie875131:改演暗黑二的亞馬遜92F 05/14 13:28
acbwanatha:現在中天報出來了。也沒畫面就是看PTT的。93F 05/14 13:29



mrsmiller:QQ94F 05/14 13:29
ams9:好在以前AJ就拍過露點片了95F 05/14 13:30
RyanBraun8:鄉民真的超多魯蛇96F 05/14 13:30
turbomons:這會不會太過了... 哪天會不會有男星切什麼來預防97F 05/14 13:30
lau6m2002:第一次聽說= =98F 05/14 13:30
Greentale:是因為她身上帶的基因有87%會有乳癌或卵巢癌,所以進行99F 05/14 13:32
Ives20130:D2亞馬遜奶超大的,看來她不適合了100F 05/14 13:32
Greentale:預防性乳房切除手術。101F 05/14 13:32
holybless:醫生預估她的機率乳癌87 卵巢癌50102F 05/14 13:33
ethenlin:這麼醜還是女神?103F 05/14 13:34
zephyr9114:還好沒有屌癌,只有攝護腺癌、尿腺癌、睪丸癌之類的...104F 05/14 13:34
Dialysis:明明就有陰莖癌105F 05/14 13:34
※ 編輯: skoda3357       來自:       (05/14 13:36)
aggressorX:qscxz有夠靠北XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD106F 05/14 13:35
DudeFromMars:有這招?預防性切除107F 05/14 13:36
Greentale:另外裘莉她媽媽是得卵巢癌...108F 05/14 13:36
zephyr9114:原來有...不過還好只有十萬分之一機率...109F 05/14 13:36
Greentale:是阿,推廣很久了。110F 05/14 13:36
※ 編輯: skoda3357       來自:       (05/14 13:37)
acbwanatha:飲食習慣愛大魚大肉的就會這樣。111F 05/14 13:37
wwfww123:真強.....以後推文不能說 可惡 想揉了112F 05/14 13:37
Greentale:這新聞跟飲食習慣沒關係。113F 05/14 13:38
acbwanatha:那就是中天比較慢。114F 05/14 13:38
shadowless:她這人還真極端 改天說她要變性我也不意外115F 05/14 13:45
BeerIsGood:幹  我還沒吸到阿116F 05/14 13:47
ChiChiGo:或許真的已經得了才切的117F 05/14 13:48
ATSEVEN:不~~118F 05/14 13:57
aza0290:干我屁事119F 05/14 14:00
serendipity:遺憾120F 05/14 14:02
withsirius:因噎廢食?121F 05/14 14:07
CILOHAKROW:-◢▆▅▄▃崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰-▃▄▅▆◣ 我夢想的奶呀122F 05/14 14:08
ePaper:招牌不見了......123F 05/14 14:15
extrada:樓下為了預防陰莖癌已切124F 05/14 14:22
doctormilk:.....125F 05/14 14:39
mvb:Brad Pitt覺得沒差就好126F 05/14 15:16
lluunnaa:http://ppt.cc/Le~M  女性為何選擇預防性乳房切除術127F 05/14 15:17
momo0606:再用整型的方式做兩粒假的應該ok吧?128F 05/14 15:17
appgra119:沒插~本體是嘴唇129F 05/14 15:19
berryc:有錢就有乳...錢越多  假奶就越真130F 05/14 15:24
kiliman:推 potter1529:他竟然切掉了世界遺產...       XDDDDDDDDD131F 05/14 15:37
chinhan1216:...........幹 她的身體超棒的說...132F 05/14 15:49
MermaidFA:我的女神~真的好堅強QQ133F 05/14 16:17
Leika:她好像當年是隆乳的?134F 05/14 16:49
Leika:不過這種切除 是要把真的組織部分 也一起切掉才行....
NEORG:安:老公,你看這篇睪丸癌的新聞......136F 05/14 16:54
melody628:這則新聞讓人震驚137F 05/14 18:33
kopfschuss:我嚇到了138F 05/14 18:37
karenwang:她也是我的女神!!女神就是女神連作的決定都特別139F 05/14 18:47

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1樓 時間: 2013-05-14 18:10:48 (台灣)
  05-14 18:10 TW
古墓奇兵要拍續集了嗎?     貧乳奇兵:羅拉甭跑?!
2樓 時間: 2013-05-14 19:59:41 (台灣)
  05-14 19:59 TW
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