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※ 本文為  轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-06-30 07:27:21
※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 knuckles.bbs@ptt.cc 時間: 2011-06-30 07:27:21

看板 Gossiping
作者 kissingen (1990)
標題 [爆卦] google對開發者發出的告知信件
時間 Wed Jun 29 21:01:24 2011


We’re contacting you to update you on the status of your paid apps in
Taiwan. Recently, the Taipei City Government announced that mobile app
stores--including Android Market--would be required to provide a seven day
refund window for all paid apps.
上的軟體商店(包括android market)必須提供使用者所有軟體七天內的退費方式。

Therefore, we wanted to let you know that we are suspending paid apps in

Taiwan while we continue to discuss this issue with the Taipei City
Government. As you know, Android Market already provides a 15-minute refund
period for all paid apps--which reflects the fact that apps are delivered
over-the-air instantly and most users who request a refund do so within
minutes of their purchase. We believe this policy helps consumers make
educated decisions about the apps they buy while enabling developers to
manage their businesses effectively.
商此一議題,如你所知,android market已經提供了一個15分鐘內退費的機制給所有

If your paid application is currently targeted to Taiwan, it will not be
available to buyers in Taiwan. However, this will not be reflected in the
Developer Console. If Taiwan is the only locale to which your app is
targeted, please consider your app as unavailable in Android Market.

We are continuing to discuss the matter with the Taipei city authorities.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The Android Market Team

c 2011 Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

Sent from my iPhone
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◆ From:
BDG:謝謝你吱道這件事。1F 06/29 21:02
Doracacazin:YO~2F 06/29 21:02
killshady:吱吱吱吱道了3F 06/29 21:02
ly4138:謝謝你吱道這件事。4F 06/29 21:02
suginamiki:吱道xDDDD5F 06/29 21:02
pratt:蛆~我吱道了。6F 06/29 21:02
jijung:                                        吱道了,謝謝!7F 06/29 21:02
eatingshit:腿啦~~~~支持谷哥   好冰冰不用下台嗎??????????8F 06/29 21:02
BD1983:屎蛆表示:9F 06/29 21:02
zone750603:蟹蟹你 吱道了10F 06/29 21:03
attomahawk:Roger that11F 06/29 21:03
previa:沒修法前就乖乖照規矩來吧,屁話一堆12F 06/29 21:03
WowProctor:北市市長選完七天後可以退嗎?13F 06/29 21:03
previa:如果大多樹人覺得這樣做事對的,會支持修法的。14F 06/29 21:03
minicess:本來就該入境隨俗15F 06/29 21:05
yipi1357:有那種遊戲軟體給你玩七天玩爽後在退費給你的嗎?16F 06/29 21:05
hide5566:Fire in hole~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~17F 06/29 21:05
rufjvm12345:YOOOOO18F 06/29 21:05
wiabc:這種態度改用iphone好了19F 06/29 21:05
painkiller:15分鐘簡直是屁...20F 06/29 21:06
hide5566:九妹應該要為了明年  開始展現國威21F 06/29 21:06
painkiller:七天是太長了點  但是十五分鐘 別鬧了22F 06/29 21:06
barry80811:改用潮機就好23F 06/29 21:06
rufjvm12345:iPhone會潮不是沒道理的     5 分鐘前來自 iPhone 讚24F 06/29 21:07
bof:什麼"不存在的商店"... 在翻啥25F 06/29 21:07
Sashimii:消保法第19條7日審閱僅保障郵購買賣/訪問買賣26F 06/29 21:08
gorhow:是 無法取得 不是 不存在27F 06/29 21:08
Sashimii:北市府想辦法解釋成非郵購買賣不就得了。28F 06/29 21:08
Mopipi:台北巿長該做的地方不弄,只會搞這些小地方 幹!29F 06/29 21:09
※ 編輯: kissingen       來自:        (06/29 21:10)
hide5566:骨哥若堅持15分鐘  我覺得這會喪辱國權30F 06/29 21:14
ndr:好像貼過了?31F 06/29 21:17
j758101:起碼要一天32F 06/29 21:20
Yanrei:可能修法對不同性質的商品做出調整吧…33F 06/29 21:20
kiddno56979:七天可退 一些台灣人會把這功能玩垮34F 06/29 21:23
uf1276:不能延長到24小時嗎?35F 06/29 21:24
l8lcm:我吱啦~我吱啦~36F 06/29 21:28
roea68roea68:其實學蘋果 針對台灣15分鐘後需"寫信"告知 無條件退37F 06/29 21:29
p00o99o:15分鐘明明就很充裕 難道你們要破關 才退錢嗎?39F 06/29 21:30
buhowxiou:15分鐘就是從24小時改的40F 06/29 21:31
GaijiL:ADOBE表示: 我賣幾十萬的軟體可以試用30天41F 06/29 21:31
GaijiL:豪姣手機號碼追蹤軟體作者表示: 就是要坑你~ㄎㄎ
GaijiL:微軟表示: 幹~30天才需要啟動給台灣人占便宜了
GaijiL:咕飯表示: 咕鴿是神聖而不可侵犯的,所有草民皆須由咕鴿教育
GaijiL:哀鳳表示: 活該
hhhomerun:這根本是變相扼殺台灣的軟體工程師也阻礙了台灣軟體的發46F 06/29 21:44
faxy:吱48F 06/29 21:51
lirick42:可以請Google不要賣北市就好嗎???49F 06/29 21:56
fgkor123:o你媽的b 北七市府50F 06/29 22:18
lineagewen:請將你的軟體視為不存在在商店中51F 06/29 22:20
KillerLi:OP52F 06/29 22:32
ccnoire:應該是體諒吧...~"~53F 06/29 22:57
glofish:召告天下,台灣是需要被教育培養正確的購買觀念的地方...54F 06/29 23:56
know12345:說15分鐘充裕的不要以管窺天了55F 06/30 00:23
HCCLandRover:不 守 我 國 法 律 就 給 我 滾 出 去56F 06/30 02:38
TheWho:抱歉我反北市府和頻果,所以我挺google(光是之前跟支那對幹57F 06/30 02:40

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